Just check out the reviews of the piece to see what the people are complaining about: audio reviews
Once you're satisfied with the drama, you may move over to the actual audio submission stolen music which is stolen from Deepajalypse's music page on his myspace.
I've already contacted one of the submission moderators that deal with theft and such, but it's been half a week since that had happened - the NG moderator who I contacted is doing shit all about the situation, so I'm leaving it up to you guys to find more competent moderators who will actually do something, and remove the stolen audio.
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/533184">http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/5 33184</a> - Audio Portal Cleanup
Also, reviews claiming that something is stolen does not proove that it is. When posting provide detailed information that allows the mod who read it to easily see that it is indeed stolen (yes I know you did, but I´m just going to underline it). (Side-note: Deepajalypse link is broken.)
Oh and the reason for why that mod you already contacted has not contacted you back/killed the thief may be either because you did not provide enough relevant information, or it could be that he/she has not had time for that yet, as the audio approval list is a bit backed up (it was waay more backed up before, but it´s still a bit overloaded so they are working hard to fix that right now).
Old journal is old - plus the fact that the stolen audio is already deleted (Which proves that it was stolen).